

Dec 8 2017


Our friend Adam is a cycling vagabond and adventurer. He travels with his bike(s) all over the world (currently in Thailand). This autumn he escaped the foul, polish weather and flew to Tenerife. With our new RAG+. Chceck the words and really cool photos that Adam has sent us.

This year was my second time on the island of Tenerife. Unlike last year, when I came here with a clear goal of doing the Everesting Challenge on the Teide volcano, this time was more spontaneous and not really planned. So I had more time to really get to know this place, and discover new things.



A regular road bike wasn’t an option for this kind of trip. Gravel bike, on the other hand, was the perfect tool. I mentioned my plans to the guys from NS Bikes and a few days later I got a brand new 2018 RAG+. With this bike I knew I could spontaneously turn into any side road, attack steep climbs on the volcanic slopes of Teide and ride the asphalt hairpins along the cliffs on the same bike. Virtually - there isn't a single place that this kind of bike cannot take you. Pretty darn convenient! This is also important, when you’re looking to minimize your luggage (and traveling costs!)




How did I find Tenerife? At first sight it’s just a small piece of land on the immense waters of the Atlantic with a big ass volcano sitting more or less in the middle of it. Once you spend more time on it, you will find it is really diverse and full of small, different “flavors”. There are thick forests, almost lunar like landscapes, small abandoned villages, stunning coastal views. Even a small change in your regular route can put you in totally different situation. This makes you wanna ride everyday.








I’d recommend the island to everybody who is looking for a bike trip destination. Especially the ones from the northern hemisphere, where the autumn and winter are cold, damp, muddy and generally bleh. And a gravel is probably the best tool to "do" Tenerife.


Words and photos: Adam Kolarski
